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First project meeting 

Crete- Greece

18-20 october 2018


In this meeting, participating teachers from all partner schools met at our partner school in Agios Nikolaos and worked with the teachers there. On the agenda was firstly a planning session to specify the first project steps and discuss and adjust the timeline of the project. Partner classes were appointed, further tasks distributed, and the means and frequency of evaluation discussed and decided. In an extensive training session an ICT expert informed us about the necessary hard- and software: How to work with iPads, iMovie, use a greenscreen and the necessary greenscreen app so that we were able to include them in class. The Irish colleague showed us resources to make a documentary film and news shows with our pupils and the contents for our video documentaries were determined. In groups, lesson plans for the next project activities, the documentaries and the news shows were drafted and self assessment sheets for pupils for each of these activities were created.  The teachers visited the Greek classes they were going to communicate with, and the German and Greek teacher held a joint parents evening to plan and discuss the student exchange Berlin-Agoins Nikolaos together with the respective parents.

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